FocalPoint Federal Credit Union
Madison County Branch
278 Genesee St.
Chittenango, NY 13037
Phone: 315.687.6743
Fax: 315.687.9092
We’re like a bank, only better
FocalPoint Federal Credit Union is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative. We offer all the financial services and conveniences you’ll find at a bank. We also offer some very important advantages banks can’t.
The credit union difference. When you join a credit union, you’re not a customer—you’re a member and an owner. Instead of answering to stockholders, we answer to you. And our profits go back to you, in the form of higher yields on savings and better rates on loans.
Serving Central New York’s workforce for more than 50 years
We were founded in 1957 by employees of New Process Gear and members of United Auto Workers Union Local 624 to offer savings and loan services to their fellow employees and families.
We’re proud of our beginnings serving the region’s auto industry workers. They’re still very much a part of who we are. But over the years, we’ve expanded to serve a broader range of Central New York’s workforce. This includes renaming our credit union from NPG to FocalPoint Federal Credit Union in 2009, emphasizing our strong focus on the people who really matter: our members. Our field of membership now includes more than 50 area companies, labor unions, schools and organizations. And we’re nearly 9,000 members strong.
Joining FocalPoint is easy
If you’re an employee, member or retiree of one of our Partner Companies and Organizations—or if you’re a relative of an employee, member or retiree—you’re eligible to become a member. You can join at your place of employment or at any FocalPoint branch. For more information, please call us at 315.463.8333.
Our Volunteers and our Board of Directors: Dedicated to you
We’re committed to your financial well-being. Every day, we strive to uphold the credit union philosophy of "people helping people." We’re particularly proud of our volunteer committee members and Board of Directors who work diligently—without compensation—to maintain FocalPoint’s soundness and stability. Of course, the credit union’s entire staff, management, committee members and Board of Directors dedicate countless hours and infinite energy to create a viable banking source for our members.
FocalPoint Federal Credit Union Board of Directors:
Timothy Shore | President
Thomas Ricciardiello | Vice-President
Cynthia Pienkowski | Secretary
Joseph Donigan | Treasurer
Thomas Hunter | Director
Duane Owens | Director
Denis Ray | Director
Benita Allen | Director
David Krueger | Director
FocalPoint Federal Credit Union Supervisory Committee:
John Galvin | Chairman
Kathy Jones | Committee Member
Fran Holzapfel, Jr. | Committee Member
To contact our Supervisory Committee, you can write to:
FocalPoint Federal Credit Union
ATTN: Supervisory Committee
6555 Ridings Road
Syracuse, NY 13206
© 2009 Focal Point Federal Credit Unio
