(607) 535-2781
712 N Franklin St, Watkins Glen, NY

HSBC's Principles and Values

Through loyal and committed
employees who make lasting
customer relationships and
international teamwork easier to

Five Core Business Principles:

Outstanding customer service

Effective and efficient operations

Strong capital and liquidity

Conservative lending policy

Strict expense discipline

We also operate according to certain Key Business Values:

The highest personal standards of integrity at all levels;
Commitment to truth and fair dealing;
Hands-on management at all levels;
Openly esteemed commitment to quality and competence;
A minimum of bureaucracy;
Fast decisions and implementation;
Putting the Group's interests ahead of the individual's;
The appropriate delegation of authority with accountability;
Fair and objective employer;
A merit approach to recruitment/selection/promotion;
A commitment to complying with the spirit and letter of all laws and regulations wherever we conduct our business;
The promotion of good environmental practice and sustainable development and commitment to the welfare and development of each local community.
© HSBC Bank USA, N.A. 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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