Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union
Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union
12 North Ave,
Pleasant Valley, NY
(845) 635-2561

Savings Accounts

A Springboard for Growth.

Your Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union savings account is a springboard for growing small amounts of cash into larger sums—which in turn can be transferred into higher-yielding certificate accounts and investments. With no minimum balance, no time commitment, and no penalty for withdrawals, it’s the ultimate in financial flexibility.

Experts recommend keeping a minimum of three months worth of living expenses in an accessible account as part of your overall financial plan. Your savings account is perfect for this.

Additional Benefits

Unlimited free HVFCU ATM access
Up to eight free foreign network transactions each month at locations worldwide and additional free transactions for Members’ Choice, Plus and Ultimate level members.
Direct deposit of pension, Social Security, or other recurring checks. For payroll direct deposit, check with your employer.
An overdraft source for your checking account (subject to Regulation D limitations).
Ability to receive account activity notifications via email or your mobile device through CUAlerts, available free through Internet Banking.
Account may be used as collateral for a savings secured loan.
Account Types

There are varying types of ownership:

Joint Living Trust
Custodial IRA
Organizational D/B/A
Coverdell Education

Safe and Secure

Your accounts at Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union are safe—insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund to a maximum of $250,000 aggregate per member1 (IRAs up to $250,000). Use the NCUA Share Insurance Estimator to calculate your insurance coverage.

Online Account Opening

Open a savings account online in about ten minutes via transfer from an account at another financial institution or an existing HVFCU savings or checking account. Accounts can be opened 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Regulation D & Account Disclosures

Transactions on this account are subject to Regulation D withdrawal limitations, and the Truth-in-Savings Standard Disclosure and Account Agreements.

1 The National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency, insures each depositor (Credit Union Member) for up to $250,000 of the total value of his or her accounts. Insured share accounts are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.

Checking Accounts

The convenient way to manage all your daily finances.

It would be hard to imagine getting along in life without a checking account. It’s the basis around which most of our day-to-day finances revolve. When you couple your Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union checking account with free services like a Visa® Check Card, Internet Banking, and Bill Pay, you’ve got everything you need to manage your finances efficiently and effectively.

The Benefits of HVFCU Checking

No minimum balance requirement
Free Visa Check Card that earns Reward Bonus Points in the ScoreCard Reward Points Program
Daily dividends
No monthly service charges or per check fees
No fees for deposits or other routine transactions
Access to your account through free Internet Banking, Bill Pay, and eStatements
Access to your account at thousands of surcharge-free ATMs nationwide
Automatic transfer of funds to a loan or account with periodic payments
Direct deposit of pension, Social Security, or other recurring checks. (For direct deposit of payroll, check with your employer.)
Ability to receive checking account activity notifications via email or a mobile device through CUAlerts, available for free through Internet Banking.
Insured to an aggregate of $250,000 by the NCUA2. Use the NCUA Share Insurance Estimator to calculate your insurance coverage.
Online Account Opening

Open a checking account online in about ten minutes via transfer from an account at another financial institution or an existing HVFCU savings or checking account. Accounts can be opened 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Free Standard Checks

Under our Members’ Choice relationship program, Plus members receive their first box of standard checks for free, while Ultimate Choice members receive all orders of standard checks for free. Order your checks here.

Overdraft Protection

Embarrassing incidents due to insufficient funds in your checking account are easily avoided when you arrange for overdraft protection. Funds can be transferred automatically from a savings account, Readi-cash line of credit, or home equity line of credit (application required) to cover shortages1.

In addition to the above sources, our complimentary Privilege Pay program provides additional peace of mind with additional overdraft protection for qualified checking accounts. In the event that funds are exhausted from your checking and any of your assigned sources, Privilege Pay steps in and pays up to $500 in total items, including any fees3.

1 Transactions from a savings account are subject to Regulation D withdrawal limitations, and our Truth-in-Savings Stand Disclosure and Account Agreements.

2 The National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency, insures each depositor (Credit Union Member) for up to $250,000 of the total value of his or her accounts. Insured share accounts are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.

3 A fee will be assessed for each item covered. Refer to our fee schedule for most current information.

© 2009 Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union
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