Leatherstocking Region Federal Credit Union
Leatherstocking Region Federal Credit Union
24 Glen Avenue
Cooperstown, NY 13326
Phone:(607) 547-5700
Toll Free: 1-877-37-UNION (86466)
Fax:(607) 547-1856
Welcome to Leatherstocking Region Federal Credit Union, established in 1977 as a not-for-profit financial cooperative located in Cooperstown, NY, the Home of Baseball. Originally formed to serve the employees of Bassett Hospital, our current field of membership includes anyone who lives or works in Otsego County. Leatherstocking Region Federal Credit Union exists solely for the purpose of meeting the financial needs of its member-owners, and we are dedicated to providing our members the highest level of financial services. Strong and growing, we offer excellent borrowing and savings programs. We are committed to building trusted relationships and educating people to be wise consumers and smart money managers. Our mission is to help members learn to save, reduce debt and plan for future expenses.
LSR FCU is a not-for-profit locally run financial institution formed to serve groups of people who have a common bond, such as where they work or live. People who join a credit union are called members and they are the institution's owners. So, instead of paying dividends to a group of stockholders, earnings are returned to members in the form of lower loan rates & fees, higher savings account rates and expanded services. These benefits of membership save you money. By contrast, a for-profit corporation such as a bank is organized for the objective of generating profit and providing dividends for a small, elite group of shareholders and its Board of Directors.
LSR FCU offers a complete range of financial services:
* Free Signature Guarantee (Call ahead)
* Free Home Banking Access and E-Statements
* Free Notary Public Services (Call ahead)
* Money Orders
* Official Cashier's Checks
* Overdraft Protection from shares
* Payroll Direct Depository Origination
* American Express Gift Cards and Travelers Checks
* U S Savings Bond
* Wire Transfers
* Foreign Currency
* Share Draft Credit Line
* Overdraft Privileges Available
* Loan Skip-a-Pay
Additional Benefits:
* Balance Financial Fitness Program
* CUNA Mutual Member Connect Insurance Products
* Seasonal Discount Tickets for Great Escape and Water Safari
© 2009 Leatherstocking Region Federal Credit Union. All Rights Reserved.
