The Bank of Castile - Caledonia, NY
The Bank of Castile
3155 State Street
Caledonia, NY 14423
24 hour ATM
Anne Marie Mattice, Manager
Lobby Hours Drive Through Hours
Mon-Wed 8:30 - 3:00 Mon-Wed 8:30 - 4:30
Thu-Fri 8:30 - 6:00 Thu-Fri 8:30 - 6:00
Sat 9:00 - Noon Sat 9:00 - Noon
Message from Jim Fulmer, President
There's been a lot on the news lately about banks being unable or unwilling to lend money. That's not the case at The Bank of Castile. Despite the reported credit crunch, we continue to make loans to qualified borrowers in this
community - and busines is brisk.
As a community bank, the deposits our clients hold with us are reinvested as loans here in this community. That benefits local businesses and employment - and that's more important than ever in these challenging economic times.
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